
therapeutic massage

At Blue Feather Wellness, we understand that every individual is unique and therefore we provide customized massage therapy to ensure the best individualized treatment for each client. Our massage therapists are trained and experienced, and use a variety of modalities to provide the best possible treatment.

Blue Feather Signature Massage

Our signature "Blue Feather Massage" is a unique blend of massage therapy and Reiki healing touch. This combination of techniques creates a relaxing and rejuvenating experience that promotes mental health and well-being. The massage therapy component of the treatment aims to release muscle tension and promote relaxation, while the Reiki healing touch component is designed to balance the body's energy and promote healing at a physical and emotional level. Together, these therapies create a holistic approach to improving mental health and well-being.

Oncology Massage

Oncology massage is a specialized form of massage therapy that is specifically designed for cancer patients and those in treatment or recovery. It is performed by a Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT) who has extensive knowledge and experience in working with cancer patients. The therapist will take into account the client's medical history, current treatment, and any side effects they may be experiencing to ensure that the massage is both safe and effective.
Oncology massage helps to reduce symptoms such as pain, fatigue, and anxiety, and can also improve the patient's overall quality of life. The therapist will use gentle and soothing techniques that are tailored to the individual's needs and comfort level.
At Blue Feather Wellness, our LMT has over 20 years of experience in oncology patient care and provides a healing environment and compassion to all clients. In addition to massage, each session may also include Reiki treatment and accupressure. Reiki is a form of complementary therapy that relates to energy and healing. It helps the flow of energy and removes blocks in a similar way to acupressure. Both help improve the flow of energy around the body can enable relaxation, help relieve pain, and promote healing by reducing other symptoms of illness. This holistic approach of oncology massage, Reiki and acupressure can provide a powerful healing experience for our clients, helping them to cope with the physical and emotional challenges of cancer.


Reiki is a universal life energy healing technique that promotes relaxation and stress reduction using light touch or hands above the body.

Reiki is a form of complementary or alternative medicine that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. It is based on the belief that there is a universal life energy that flows through all living things, and that this energy can promote healing. Practitioners of Reiki use a technique called "hands-on healing" in which they place their hands on or near the patient's body to channel the energy and promote healing. Reiki can be used to help manage a variety of conditions including chronic pain, stress, anxiety, and depression, as well as to promote overall well-being and relaxation.

Reiki is a non-invasive and gentle form of healing, and is safe for all ages and conditions. Clients usually remain fully clothed during a session.

Blue Feather Wellness offers Reiki Training in all levels.

classes/events Calendar

Usui Reiki Level I Training - Empower Your Healing Journey
$225.00 Click Here

Reiki is a healing technique that uses touch to channel energy and activate the natural healing processes of the body to restore physical and emotional well-being. The practice of Reiki is divided into levels, from beginner (Shoden) to Reiki Master, and different hand positions, chakras, and symbols are used during the practice. This technique reduces anxiety, stress, and promotes overall mental and physical wellness. A class led by an experienced practitioner like Dana Brewer LMT, Reiki Master and Owner of Blue Feather Wellness, will introduce the history of Usui Reiki, its principles, hand positions, chakras, practice time, Reiki attunements and the symbol of power, Cho Ku Rei.

Usui Reiki Level II Training: Deepen Your Energy Healing Journey
$375.00 Click Here

Reiki is a healing technique that uses touch to channel energy and activate the body's natural healing processes to restore physical and emotional well-being. It is a gentle method that reduces anxiety and stress, promoting overall mental and physical wellness. Reiki II, also known as Okuden, is an intermediate level of Usui Reiki and requires a completed Reiki I training as a prerequisite. Okuden level (meaning communication of the inner arts) introduces the student to a set of three sacred symbols. This level of Reiki explores mental and emotional healing methods and offers new symbols, mantras, and applications, hands-on techniques, distance healing, practice time, and personal attunement sessions. At this level, students are able to practice the art of Reiki with others. The class is taught by Dana Brewer LMT, Reiki Master and owner of Blue Feather Wellness, with over 20 years of experience in Integrative Medicine.

Usui Master Level (Shinpiden) Reiki Training Retreat: Nourish Your Spirit in Serenity
$750.00 Click Here

Reiki III, also known as Shinpiden, is the master level of Usui Reiki and requires completed Reiki I and II training as prerequisites. Shinpiden, meaning "mystery teachings," is a master or teacher level training. In this class, students discover and explore advanced mental and emotional healing methods of Usui Reiki. They will be attuned to new symbols, their mantras and applications, hands-on techniques, practice time, and personal attunement sessions. Additionally, students will be introduced to the fourth sacred symbol. At this level, students are able to practice and volunteer Reiki with the community and pass attunements onto others. The class is taught by Dana Brewer LMT, Reiki Master and owner of Blue Feather Wellness, with over 20 years of experience in Integrative Medicine.

🌟 Usui Reiki Level I Training - Empower Your Healing Journey

🌟 Usui Reiki Level I


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🌟 Usui Reiki Level II Training Deepen Your Energy Healing Journey

🌟 Usui Reiki Level II


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🌟 Usui Master Level (Shinpiden) Reiki Training Retreat: Nourish Your Spirit in Serenity

🌟 Usui Master Level


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